Managing RayCasts in Box2D

The Box2D physics library is quite impressively simple to use, for the most part. It manages all the necessary calculations internally to provide for standard movement and collisions. When your project needs to go outside this standard behavior, however, Box2D can sometimes be a little bit more complicated. Specifically, the RayCast system is slightly cumbersome to deal with, at times. Since I have recently been dealing with this for Leges Motus’ AI code (which I’ll talk about in another post), I will present my thoughts on managing RayCasts in Box2D.

To call a ray cast, you use the method:

RayCast(b2RayCastCallback& listener, b2Vec2& start_point, b2Vec2& end_point);

It uses a callback, defined by having your class implement b2RayCastCallback, with the signature

float32 ReportFixture(b2Fixture* fixture, const b2Vec2& point, const b2Vec2& normal, float32 fraction);

This callback reports the current fraction of the ray at which the hit has occurred, as well as which fixture, which point in space, and the normal of the surface on the fixture. You need to return a fraction, after which the RayCast will ignore all points. If you return 1, it will continue to give you all additional hit results. If you return 0, it will immediately stop giving you further results. If you return the current fraction, it no longer returns anything beyond that fraction, but will continue to check within the remaining part of the ray.

Unfortunately, the callback is entirely unordered – there is no requirement that the closest points will be given first. This makes dealing with it somewhat annoying, at times. Additionally, it stores no information about the ray cast after the callback is done, unless you store it yourself, and returns no information from the ray cast call itself. You have to use an instance field or global variable to keep the results you care about. This can get somewhat ugly, if you do not want to add random global variables in random classes that need a ray cast for something.

I recommend making a class specifically to handle ray casts. It should wrap the ray cast method itself (possibly providing a simple way to cast in a direction, instead of specifying the exact end point). Additionally, it should implement the callback and keep global info about the ray cast in a struct or inner class. You might want to store a sorted list of all hit points, or just the closest. It depends on your needs. Then, make that data accessible to the object that called in for the ray cast. This will make it much easier to write small amounts of code to do a ray cast, then get the results. Processing the results might still take some work, but it won’t be as messy.

Also, I recommend that you have all your physical objects extend some sort of “physics object” base class, so that you can set them as user data on their physics bodies, and you can therefore check their type and such.

Hopefully this will help you manage ray casts in Box2D. If you have other suggestions or questions, feel free to leave a comment.

Some current example code for a class we use for this purpose in Leges Motus follows (note: you can check the current code for Leges Motus at, if you want an updated version or to see the context):


 * common/RayCast.hpp
 * This file is part of Leges Motus, a networked, 2D shooter set in zero gravity.
 * Copyright 2009-2011 Andrew Ayer, Nathan Partlan, Jeffrey Pfau
 * Leges Motus is free and open source software.  You may redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of version 2, or (at your option) version 3, of the
 * GNU General Public License (GPL), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * Leges Motus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the full text of the GNU General Public License for
 * further detail.
 * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License, please see the COPYING file
 * in the root of the source code tree.  You may also retrieve a copy from
 * <>, or request a copy by writing to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
 * 02111-1307  USA


#include "common/physics.hpp"

namespace LM {
	class PhysicsObject;
	class Player;
	class MapObject;

	class RayCast : public b2RayCastCallback {
	struct RayCastResult {
		const PhysicsObject*	start_object;	// The object (if any) where this ray started
		b2Vec2		ray_start;	// The starting point of the ray cast
		float		ray_direction;	// The angle (in radians) at which the ray was cast
		b2Vec2		ray_end;	// The maximum point on the ray
		PhysicsObject* 	closest_object; // The closest object
		float		shortest_dist;	// The closest hit-point on that object
		b2Vec2		hit_point;	// The point where the ray hit

		RayCastResult m_ray_cast;
		const b2World* m_physics;
		bool m_ignore_collidable;

		RayCast(const b2World* physics);
		RayCastResult& get_result();
		void set_physics(const b2World* physics);
		float cast_at_player(const Point& ray_start, const Player* other_player, float max_radius = -1);
		float cast_at_player(const b2Vec2& ray_start, const Player* other_player, float max_radius = -1);
		float cast_at_obstacle(const Point& ray_start, const MapObject* object, float max_radius = -1, bool ignore_collidable = false);
		float cast_at_obstacle(const b2Vec2& ray_start, const MapObject* object, float max_radius = -1, bool ignore_collidable = false);
		float cast_in_vel_dir(const Player* player);
		float do_ray_cast(const b2Vec2& start_point, float direction, float distance, const PhysicsObject* starting_object = NULL, bool ignore_collidable = false);
		// Box2D Physics Callbacks
		float32 ReportFixture(b2Fixture* fixture, const b2Vec2& point, const b2Vec2& normal, float32 fraction);



 * common/RayCast.cpp
 * This file is part of Leges Motus, a networked, 2D shooter set in zero gravity.
 * Copyright 2009-2011 Andrew Ayer, Nathan Partlan, Jeffrey Pfau
 * Leges Motus is free and open source software.  You may redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of version 2, or (at your option) version 3, of the
 * GNU General Public License (GPL), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * Leges Motus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the full text of the GNU General Public License for
 * further detail.
 * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License, please see the COPYING file
 * in the root of the source code tree.  You may also retrieve a copy from
 * <>, or request a copy by writing to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
 * 02111-1307  USA

#include "RayCast.hpp"
#include "common/misc.hpp"
#include "common/PhysicsObject.hpp"
#include "common/MapObject.hpp"
#include "common/Player.hpp"

using namespace LM;
using namespace std;

RayCast::RayCast() {
	m_physics = NULL;
	m_ignore_collidable = false;

RayCast::RayCast(const b2World* physics) {
	m_physics = physics;
	m_ignore_collidable = false;

RayCast::~RayCast() {

RayCast::RayCastResult& RayCast::get_result() {
	return m_ray_cast;

void RayCast::set_physics(const b2World* physics) {
	m_physics = physics;

float RayCast::do_ray_cast(const b2Vec2& start_point, float direction, float distance = -1, const PhysicsObject* starting_object, bool ignore_collidable) {
	m_ignore_collidable = ignore_collidable;
	if (distance == -1) {
		distance = 20000;
	float end_x = start_point.x + cos(direction) * distance;
	float end_y = start_point.y + sin(direction) * distance;
	m_ray_cast.ray_start = start_point;
	m_ray_cast.ray_end = b2Vec2(end_x, end_y);
	m_ray_cast.ray_direction = direction;
	m_ray_cast.start_object = starting_object;
	m_ray_cast.closest_object = NULL;
	m_ray_cast.shortest_dist = -1;
	if (m_physics == NULL) {
		return -1;
	m_physics->RayCast(this, start_point, m_ray_cast.ray_end);
	return m_ray_cast.shortest_dist;

float RayCast::cast_at_player(const Point& ray_start, const Player* other_player, float max_radius) {
	b2Vec2 start = b2Vec2(ray_start.x, ray_start.y);

	return cast_at_player(start, other_player, max_radius);

float RayCast::cast_at_player(const b2Vec2& ray_start, const Player* other_player, float max_radius) {
	b2Vec2 target_pos = b2Vec2(to_physics(other_player->get_x()), to_physics(other_player->get_y()));
	float x_end = target_pos.x - ray_start.x;
	float y_end = target_pos.y - ray_start.y;
	float wanted_angle = atan2(y_end, x_end);
	// Perform the first raycast, at the center of the player.
	do_ray_cast(ray_start, wanted_angle, max_radius);

	b2Body* body = other_player->get_physics_body();
	// XXX: Do we just want to use the first fixture?
	b2Fixture* fixture = &body->GetFixtureList()[0];
	b2Shape* shape = fixture->GetShape();
	if (shape->GetType() == b2Shape::e_polygon) {
		b2PolygonShape* polyshape = static_cast<b2PolygonShape*>(shape);
		int index = 0;
		while (index < polyshape->GetVertexCount()) {
			// Check if we've seen the player
			PhysicsObject* hitobj = m_ray_cast.closest_object;
			if (hitobj != NULL) {
				if (hitobj->get_type() == PhysicsObject::PLAYER && (max_radius == -1 || to_game(m_ray_cast.shortest_dist) < max_radius)) {
					Player* hitplayer = static_cast<Player*>(hitobj);
					if (hitplayer->get_id() == other_player->get_id()) {
			b2Vec2 vertex = polyshape->GetVertex(index);
			float x_end = to_physics(other_player->get_x()) + vertex.x * cos(other_player->get_rotation_radians());
			float y_end = to_physics(other_player->get_y()) + vertex.y * sin(other_player->get_rotation_radians());
			float wanted_angle = atan2(y_end, x_end);
			do_ray_cast(ray_start, wanted_angle, max_radius);
	PhysicsObject* hitobj = m_ray_cast.closest_object;
	if (hitobj == NULL) {
		return numeric_limits<float>::max();
	if (hitobj->get_type() != PhysicsObject::PLAYER || (max_radius != -1 && to_game(m_ray_cast.shortest_dist) > max_radius)) {
		return numeric_limits<float>::max();
	Player* hitplayer = static_cast<Player*>(hitobj);
	if (hitplayer->get_id() != other_player->get_id()) {
		return numeric_limits<float>::max();
	return m_ray_cast.shortest_dist;

float RayCast::cast_at_obstacle(const Point& ray_start, const MapObject* object, float max_radius, bool ignore_collidable) {
	b2Vec2 start = b2Vec2(ray_start.x, ray_start.y);

	return cast_at_obstacle(start, object, max_radius, ignore_collidable);

float RayCast::cast_at_obstacle(const b2Vec2& ray_start, const MapObject* object, float max_radius, bool ignore_collidable) {
	Point object_pos = object->get_position();
	b2Vec2 target_pos = b2Vec2(to_physics(object_pos.x), to_physics(object_pos.y));
	float x_end = target_pos.x - ray_start.x;
	float y_end = target_pos.y - ray_start.y;
	float wanted_angle = atan2(y_end, x_end);
	// Perform the first raycast, at the center of the object
	do_ray_cast(ray_start, wanted_angle, max_radius, NULL, ignore_collidable);
	// Cast at the other corners
	const b2Shape* shape = object->get_bounding_shape();
	if (shape->GetType() == b2Shape::e_polygon) {
		const b2PolygonShape* polyshape = static_cast<const b2PolygonShape*>(shape);
		int index = 0;
		while (index < polyshape->GetVertexCount()) {
			// Check if we've seen the object
			PhysicsObject* hitobj = m_ray_cast.closest_object;
			if (hitobj != NULL) {
				if (hitobj->get_type() == PhysicsObject::MAP_OBJECT && (max_radius == -1 || to_game(m_ray_cast.shortest_dist) < max_radius)) {
					if (hitobj == object) {
			b2Vec2 vertex = polyshape->GetVertex(index);
			float x_end = to_physics(object_pos.x) + vertex.x * cos(to_radians(object->get_rotation()));
			float y_end = to_physics(object_pos.y) + vertex.y * sin(to_radians(object->get_rotation()));
			float wanted_angle = atan2(y_end, x_end);
			do_ray_cast(ray_start, wanted_angle, max_radius, NULL, ignore_collidable);
	PhysicsObject* hitobj = m_ray_cast.closest_object;
	if (hitobj == NULL) {
		return numeric_limits<float>::max();
	if (hitobj->get_type() != PhysicsObject::MAP_OBJECT || (max_radius != -1 && to_game(m_ray_cast.shortest_dist) > max_radius) || hitobj != object) {
		return numeric_limits<float>::max();
	return to_game(m_ray_cast.shortest_dist);

float RayCast::cast_in_vel_dir(const Player* player) {
	b2Vec2 ray_start = b2Vec2(to_physics(player->get_x()), to_physics(player->get_y()));
	float wanted_angle = atan2(player->get_y_vel(), player->get_x_vel());
	float found_distance = 0;
	// Perform the first raycast, from the center of the player.
	do_ray_cast(ray_start, wanted_angle, -1.0f, player);
	found_distance = m_ray_cast.shortest_dist;

	b2Body* body = player->get_physics_body();
	// XXX: Do we just want to use the first fixture?
	b2Fixture* fixture = &body->GetFixtureList()[0];
	b2Shape* shape = fixture->GetShape();
	if (shape->GetType() == b2Shape::e_polygon) {
		b2PolygonShape* polyshape = static_cast<b2PolygonShape*>(shape);
		int index = 0;
		while (index < polyshape->GetVertexCount()) {			
			b2Vec2 vertex = polyshape->GetVertex(index);
			float x_start = to_physics(player->get_x()) + vertex.x * cos(player->get_rotation_radians());
			float y_start = to_physics(player->get_y()) + vertex.y * sin(player->get_rotation_radians());
			b2Vec2 start = b2Vec2(x_start, y_start);
			do_ray_cast(start, wanted_angle, -1.0f, player);
			if (m_ray_cast.shortest_dist < found_distance) {
				found_distance = m_ray_cast.shortest_dist;
	return to_game(found_distance);

float32 RayCast::ReportFixture(b2Fixture* fixture, const b2Vec2& point, const b2Vec2& normal, float32 fraction) {
	b2Body* body = fixture->GetBody();
	if (body->GetUserData() == NULL) {
		WARN("Body has no user data!");
		return 1;
	if (fraction < 0) {
		return 1;
	PhysicsObject* hitobj = static_cast<PhysicsObject*>(body->GetUserData());
	Point end = Point(point.x, point.y);
	float dist = (end-Point(m_ray_cast.ray_start.x, m_ray_cast.ray_start.y)).get_magnitude();
	if (fixture->IsSensor()) {
		return 1;
	if (m_ray_cast.shortest_dist != -1 && dist > m_ray_cast.shortest_dist) {
		return 1;
	if (hitobj->get_type() == PhysicsObject::MAP_OBJECT) {
		MapObject* object = static_cast<MapObject*>(hitobj);
		if (!m_ignore_collidable && !object->is_collidable()) {
			return 1;
	m_ray_cast.shortest_dist = dist;
	m_ray_cast.closest_object = hitobj;
	m_ray_cast.hit_point = b2Vec2(end.x, end.y);
	return 1;

~ by greywhind on February 26, 2011.

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